Balance Work & Life While Working from Home

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Working From Home

Ever since COVID-19, it seems that more people are working from home than ever. Obviously, safety and security is part of the reason, but also because companies worldwide have realized that their employees can work quickly and efficiently from the comfort of their own homes. Due to this shift, it seems that the workforce is changing indefinitely, as some people plan to work remotely permanently whereas many others insist on morphing their position into a hybrid one so they can work from home sometimes, and in the office occasionally, allowing them to balance work both autonomously as well as in a more social environment.  

This shift has totally changed the housing market, as Zillow has addressed since the start of the pandemic. People won’t have to commute regularly anymore, they’re opting for houses that are further from work, oftentimes because the mortgage and cost of living is more affordable than being close to a metro area or central business district. There are a ton of perks that come with this, such as a better work-life balance (when working from home) and less car mileage and gas money spent if you’re driving to work less. There are so many benefits, and so many things that could be enforced to make this kind of transition as comfortable and effective as possible. 

Due to the advantages that working from home has provided us, Optimum wishes to offer some insight to help make your new living situation and work-from-home transition comfortable and efficient. 

Can Working From Home Be Sustainable?

As we already mentioned, there are a lot of perks that come with traveling to the office less or shifting your position to a hybrid one where you rotate working from home and working within the office. Though there is a lot to be gained through these changes, it's important that you make create a functional environment, so that your home is more suitable for this more potentially permanent work-from-home situation.

Get Faster Internet 

First and foremost, you need to make sure you have the proper equipment and Internet speed to get the job done and to get the job done well! With more time spent at home now, you might come to find that your current Internet service or Internet speed isn't quite cutting it. This can especially prove to be true if you also have a partner who is working from home or children who stream movies, play video games, and download music when they're home from school. The more people using the Internet, the more bandwidth you're going to need for the family to avoid buffering, lagging, and interruptions.

Create an Office Space

When you're working from home, you might get easily get distracted by other people in the house, chores, the television, as well as by a long list of other things. This is why it's important to create an office space. It doesn't necessarily need to be an actual office, as we do recognize that some people might not have enough rooms or space for that. Still, buying a desk and putting it in the corner of a room somewhere can help you stay in work mode and make it easier to stay on task with an extra screen and phone by your side. For more inspiration, you can personalize your workspace with knickknacks, calendars, and to-do lists.

Take Much Needed Breaks

Working from home can get monotonous and even feel a bit lonely at times. To keep your mind sharp and your energy high, take breaks throughout the day so that you'll feel more refreshed when it is time to focus on work. This means setting time aside to eat lunch, go for a ten-minute walk outside, or quickly call a loved one during the day. These breaks will help you stay focused because you've given yourself a mental rest when necessary.

Set Boundaries and Create Healthy Habits

When you're working from home, keeping your personal life and business separate can get tricky. The standard eight hour, 9-5 day slowly vanishes, and instead you might start to feel like you're on-call at all hours. Having your phone and email close is usually the culprit for this. To avoid feeling like you're always working, set some time aside for non-work-related tasks like spending time with family, going out with friends, taking up a new hobby, reading a book, or running some of your own personal errands. Making time to do these things will help keep your life balanced and help reduce your stress levels so that you can give your work your absolute all when you are on the clock!

Get into a Routine

When you're working from home, rolling out of bed and working in your pajamas can be a bit of a temptation. This doesn't usually make for a happy, healthy work situation though. For this reason, we recommend staying disciplined and getting yourself into a routine even if you don't have to drive to the office every day. For some, this could mean waking up two hours early, eating breakfast and watching the news. For others, this could mean going for a morning jog or taking a quick visit to the gym. As far as the evening is concerned, 

you can make it a goal to cook dinner three times a week and eat dinner with your family at 6pm sharp. You can also set a bed time each night to ensure you're getting as much sleep as you need to work at your optimum level, to avoid any grogginess or grumpiness the following day. Your coworkers will thank you for that too!

We hope this article was helpful to you and that these work-from-home tips will make the transition from your outside office to your in-home one as smooth and stress-free as possible! If you’re in need of quicker or more reliable Internet during this transition phase, remember that we’ve got your covered at Optimum! 


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